7 Quotes & Sayings By Nobu Matsuhisa

Nobu Matsuhisa is a renowned sushi chef who has earned 28 Michelin stars in his career. He is the founder of Nobu restaurant in New York City, which has become one of the most famous restaurants in the world. He was the first chef to be honored with the coveted "Chef of the Century" title by the Culinary Institute of America.

What I relish most is when a member of my staff, who has worked with passion and patience towards achieving their dream of owning a restaurant, walks up to me and says, 'Nobu! I have done it! ' Nobu Matsuhisa
I eat soup noodles for comfort. In fact, noodles of any kind. It's a food that is very easy to eat; it's very soothing and comfortable, too. If I could choose any, I'd say buckwheat was my favourite: it has a very good flavour and is healthy, too. Nobu Matsuhisa
Making sushi is an art, and experience is everything. Nobu Matsuhisa
I travel all over the world, usually 10 months out of the year. I stay at a lot of hotels, and the ones I like best are clean and not complicated. You go to bed and say, 'Wow, I feel comfortable.' Nobu Matsuhisa
The fine art of preparing sushi is something that you watch and learn. Nobu Matsuhisa
I like Mercedes because my wife has been in two big accidents and emerged without a scratch, thanks to the safety of these cars. Nobu Matsuhisa